Fisheries Cluster Insights Across India

The Department of Fisheries has envisaged a strategic focus on cluster development across key areas, including Pearl, Seaweed, Ornamental Fisheries, Reservoir Fisheries, Fishing Harbours, Saline Water Aquaculture, Cold Water Fisheries, Sea Cage Culture, Freshwater and Brackish-Water Fisheries, Deep Sea and Oceanic Fisheries, Organic Fisheries, Wetland Fisheries, Island Fisheries and other areas tailored to specific sectoral and regional needs. To advance this vision, the Department of Fisheries has already identified locations for three priority areas for development as such as Hazaribagh District in Jharkhand for pearl culture, Madurai District in Tamil for ornamental fisheries and UT of Lakshadweep for seaweed. Furthermore, the department has also notified Tuna Cluster in Andaman & Nicobar Islands. In line with above, the Department of Fisheries, MoFAH&D, GoI, has designated Soreng District in Sikkim as an Organic Cluster for development of fisheries and aquaculture in the State of Sikkim, marking a significant step in the development of the state’s fisheries and aquaculture sector. Government of Sikkim has already embraced organic farming, which has helped build a strong reputation for sustainable and eco-friendly agricultural practices. Introducing organic aquaculture will align with the state’s broader vision of promoting organic, sustainable, and environmentally friendly practices across all sectors.

S.No. State Cluster
1 Lakshadweep Seaweed Cluster
2 Madurai, Tamil Nadu Ornamental Fisheries
3 Hazaribagh, Jharkhand Pearl Cluster
4 Andaman & Nicobar Islands Tuna Cluster
5 Soreng, Sikkim Organic Fisheries Cluster
Total Count 5
S.No. Title Download File
1 Policy Document Download (1 MB)
2 NitiAyog Report Download (1480 KB)
3 Seaweed AoBR (Allocation of Business Rules) Download (1011 KB)
4 Multipurpose Seaweed Park Download (389 KB)
5 Seaweed IMC and TAC (Inter-Ministerial Committee and Technical Advisory Committee) Download (1721 KB)
6 Global status of Seaweed Download (1623 KB)
7 Centre of Excellence for Seaweed Centre of Excellence
8 Contact Person of Seaweed Cluster Mr. Jafar Hisam, Dept. of Fisheries, UT of Lakshadweep, M. +91 94470 48400